Monday, September 20, 2010

Changing Colors in a Photo / Mengganti warna pada foto

Sometimes we would like to view our photos in a different format by changing their color scheme and we can do that to individual pieces in the photo.

I'll use this photo to demonstrate one way to change colors in a photo.

The first thing we need to do is duplicate the original photo and you can do that by dragging the background photo onto the Create a new layer icon at the bottom of the layers palette.

Now change to the Quick Selection tool or press the letter W.

Make sure the brush you're using is 100% Hardness.

Sometimes more gets selected than we want so to fix that, press the Alt key using Quick Selection tool to deselect it.

Next, go to Layer and New and select Layer via Copy or Control+J. Now press the Control key mouse click in the new layer to select the item.

Click on Create a new fill or adjustment layer icon at the bottom of the layers palette.

Now move the slider under Hue to different positions to choose the color you want.

You can use that same process as above on other items in the photo. Remember, this is only one way to make color changes.

The original tutorial web this is

Click it / klik disini


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